echo "n";
MWhois - a Whois lookup script written in PHP and Perl
Copyright (C) 2000 Matt Wilson
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA02111-1307USA
$use_global_templates = 1;// whether to use the global templates
$template_header = "gheader.tml";// the global header template
$template_footer = "gfooter.tml";// the global footer template
/* Template information stuff
The following strings in your templates are replaced with the description;
[>DOMAIN<] = domain searching for
[>RAWOUTPUT<] = the raw output of the whois query
[>WHOIS_SERVER<] = the whois server used
[>AVAIL_LIST<] = a list of the available domains (in global/wizard search mode)
[>UNAVAIL_LIST<] = a list of the unavailable domains (in global/wizard search mode)
[>ERROR_MSG<] = the error message produced
[>EXT<] = the extension if it is set
[>EXT_HTML_LIST<] = a list of the extensions supported in a html list
[>EXT_LIST<] = a list of extensions supported
parameters to the script (no parameters brings up normal search script);
show_raw=1= wherther to show the raw output page
do_wizard=1= whether the information being passed is for the wizard
domain=(string) = do a search for the domain (string)
list_exts=1= show the extensions supported page
do_global=1= goto the global search page
do_mini_search=1 = just show the search form without anything else
company=(string) = used for the wizard, needed in order to search
keyword1=(string) = used for the wizard, needed in order to search
keyword2=(string) = used for the wizard, needed in order to search
If any of this is unclear, see the provided example templates
$template_search_mini = "searchform.tml";// search template
$template_search = "searchmain.tml";
$template_raw_output = "rawoutput.tml";// raw output template
$template_available = "isavail.tml";// template for available
$template_taken = "istaken.tml";// template for taken
$template_wizard = "wizard.tml";// template for the domain wizard
$template_wizard_results = "wizardres.tml"; // the output template for the domain wizard
$template_error = "error.tml";// the template in case of error
$template_exts_list = "exts_list.tml";
$template_global = "global.tml";
$template_global_results = "globres.tml";
$search_title = "Let Floyd find your domain name";
$raw_output_title = "Floyd's Raw WHOIS Output";
$available_title = "Floyd says Domain Name Available!";
$taken_title = "Floyd says Doman Name in use";
$wizard_title = "Floyd the Domain Name Wizard";
$error_title = "Floyd Encountered an Error!";
$exts_list_title = "Floyd supports the following extensions";
$global_title = "Let Floyd do the hard work!";
// the extensions that we are going to be using, edit these for your needs
$whois_exts = array(
// some extensions (com/net/org) have a server which contains the name of the server which should be used for
the information, this simply tells the script to use the whois server as a source for the server info... ;)
$whois_si_servers = array();
// an array of the `whois' servers
$whois_servers = array();
// default whois servers for info
$whois_info_servers = array();
// the backup whois servers to try
$whois_info_servers_backup = array();
// the strings that are returned if the domain is available
$whois_avail_strings = array();
// some substitution strings follow
$errormsg = "";
$titlebar = "MWhois written by Matt Wilson";// the defatul title bar
$rawoutput = "";
$avail = array();
$unavail = array();
$whois_server = "";
// the name of the script
$script_name = "index.php";
function my_in_array($val,$array_)
for($l=0; $l if($array_[$l] == $val) return 1; return 0; } // this loads the server info for the extensions in $whois_exts; function load_server_info() { global $whois_exts; global $whois_si_servers; global $whois_servers; global $whois_info_servers; global $whois_info_servers_backup; global $whois_avail_strings; // load the servers.lst file $tlds = file("servers.lst"); for($l=0; $l // time leading spaces or trailing spaces $tlds[$l] = chop($tlds[$l]); // filter out the commented lines (begin with #) if(substr($tlds[$l], 0, 1) == "#" || !strlen($tlds[$l])) { continue; } // explode via the seperation char `|' $es = explode("|", $tlds[$l]); // check to see whether we want this TLD if(!my_in_array($es[0], $whois_exts)) { continue; } // yes we do, so store the details in the appropriate arrays $whois_servers[$es[0]] = $es[1]; $whois_si_servers[$es[0]] = $es[5]; $whois_info_servers[$es[0]] = $es[3]; $whois_info_servers_backup[$es[0]] = $es[4]; $whois_avail_strings[$es[1]] = $es[2]; // thats it! } } function choose_info_server($domain, $ext) { global $whois_info_servers; global $whois_si_servers; global $whois_server; global $whois_servers; $whois_server = ""; if($whois_si_servers[$ext]){ if(($co = fsockopen($whois_servers[$ext], 43)) == false){ echo "n"; $whois_server = $whois_servers[$ext]; } else { echo "n"; fputs($co, $domain.".".$ext."n"); while(!feof($co)) $output .= fgets($co,128); fclose($co); $he = strpos($output, $whois_si_servers[$ext]) + strlen($whois_si_servers[$ext]); $le = strpos($output, "n", $he); $whois_server = substr($output, $he, $le-$he); echo "n"; } } else { $whois_server = $whois_info_servers[$ext]; } $whois_server = trim($whois_server); } // make all the changes function make_changes($fil) { global $domain; global $errormsg; global $titlebar; global $rawoutput; global $avail; global $unavail; global $ext; global $whois_exts; global $whois_servers; global $script_name; $f = implode("",file($fil)); $f = str_replace("[>WHOIS_SERVER<]",$whois_servers[$ext],$f); $f = str_replace("[>TITLE_BAR<]",$titlebar,$f); $f = str_replace("[>DOMAIN<]",$domain,$f); $f = str_replace("[>ERROR_MSG<]",$errormsg,$f); $f = str_replace("[>RAWOUTPUT<]",$rawoutput,$f); for($l=0; $l $sp[1] = substr(strchr($avail[$l],"."),1); $sp[0] = substr($avail[$l],0,strlen($avail[$l])-strlen($sp[1])-1); $avail_s = $avail_s." href="".$script_name."?domain=".$sp[0]."&ext=".$sp[1]."">".$avail[$l]." "; } for($l=0; $l $sp[1] = substr(strchr($unavail[$l],"."),1); $sp[0] = substr($unavail[$l],0,strlen($unavail[$l])-strlen($sp[1])-1); $unavail_s = $unavail_s." href="".$script_name."?domain=".$sp[0]."&ext=".$sp[1]."">".$unavail[$l]." "; } $f = str_replace("[>AVAIL_LIST<]",$avail_s,$f); $f = str_replace("[>UNAVAIL_LIST<]",$unavail_s,$f); $f = str_replace("[>SCRIPT_NAME<]", $script_name, $f); $f = str_replace("[>EXT<]",$ext,$f); $f = str_replace("[>EXT_LIST<]",implode(" ",$whois_exts),$f); $f = str_replace("[>EXT_HTML_LIST<]","<select name=ext>n return $f; } // show the error page function do_error() { global $use_global_templates; global $template_header; global $template_footer; global $template_error; global $domain; global $titlebar; global $error_title; global $errormsg; $titlebar = $error_title; if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_header); echo make_changes($template_error); if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_footer); exit(); } // checks the domain is legal function check_domain() { global $errormsg; global $domain; global $ext; global $whois_exts; if(isset($ext)){ if(!strlen($ext)){ $errormsg = "没有选择域名后缀"; return 0; } if(!my_in_array($ext,$whois_exts)){ $errormsg = "不支持此域名后缀"; return 0; } } if(isset($domain)){ if(strlen($domain) < 2 || strlen($domain) > 57){ $errormsg = "域名太长或太短"; return 0; } if(strlen($domain) == 2 && !ereg("([0-9]){2}",$domain)){ $errormsg = "在2个字节的域名中不能包含有字母"; return 0; } if(ereg("^-|-$",$domain)){ $errormsg = "域名前和域名后不能使用-,也不可以连续使用-"; return 0; } if(!ereg("([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|-){".strlen($domain)."}",$domain)){ $errormsg = "域名只可以包含字母数字组合和-"; return 0; } } return 1; } // perform_whois function returns 0 if domain is available otherwise returns either the raw info or 1 function perform_whois($domainname,$ext,$raw) { global $errormsg; global $whois_servers; global $rawoutput; global $whois_avail_strings; $rawoutput = ""; if($raw) return do_raw($domainname,$ext); if(($ns = fsockopen($whois_servers[$ext],43)) == false){ $errormsg = "无法连接到域名查询服务器 ".$whois_servers[$ext].""; return -1; } fputs($ns,"$domainname.$extn"); while(!feof($ns)) $rawoutput .= fgets($ns,128); fclose($ns); echo "n"; if(!ereg($whois_avail_strings[$whois_servers[$ext]], $rawoutput)) return 0; return 1; } // this performs the whois lookup and then shows the data returned function do_raw($domainname, $ext) { global $titlebar; global $template_raw_output; global $use_global_templates; global $template_header; global $template_footer; global $raw_output_title; global $whois_info_servers; global $whois_servers; global $rawoutput; global $errormsg; global $whois_info_servers_backup; global $whois_avail_strings; global $whois_server; choose_info_server($domainname, $ext); if(($ns = fsockopen($whois_server,43)) == false){ if(($ns = fsockopen($whois_info_servers[$ext],43)) == false){ if(($ns = fsockopen($whois_info_servers_backup[$ext], 43)) == false){ return -1; } else { $whois_server = $whois_info_servers_backup[$ext]; } } else { $whois_server = $whois_info_servers[$ext]; } } print "n"; fputs($ns,"$domainname.$extn"); while(!feof($ns)) $rawoutput = $rawoutput.fgets($ns,128); fclose($ns); echo ""; //$pos = @strpos($rawoutput,$whois_avail_strings[$server]); //if(is_string($pos) && !$pos){} //else{ //if(!is_string($pos) || $pos){ //if(($ns = fsockopen($whois_info_servers_backup[$ext],43)) == false) //return -1; //else{ //$rawoutput = ""; //fputs($ns,"$domainname.$extn"); //while(!feof($ns)) //$rawoutput = $rawoutput.fgets($ns,128); //$pos = @strpos($rawoutput,$whois_avail_strings[$whois_info_servers_backup[$ext]]); //if(!is_string($pos) || $pos){} //else //return -1; //} //} $titlebar = $raw_output_title; if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_header); echo make_changes($template_raw_output); if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_footer); exit(); } function do_getsearch_mini() { global $template_search_mini; echo make_changes($template_search_mini); exit(); } function do_getsearch() { global $template_footer; global $template_header; global $use_global_templates; global $titlebar; global $template_search; global $search_title; $titlebar = $search_title; if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_header); echo make_changes($template_search); if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_footer); exit(); } function do_avail() { global $template_footer; global $template_header; global $use_global_templates; global $titlebar; global $template_available; global $available_title; $titlebar = $available_title; if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_header); echo make_changes($template_available); if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_footer); exit(); } function do_taken() { global $template_footer; global $template_header; global $use_global_templates; global $template_taken; global $titlebar; global $taken_title; $titlebar = $taken_title; if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_header); echo make_changes($template_taken); if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_footer); exit(); } function do_exts() { global $template_footer; global $template_header; global $use_global_templates; global $template_exts_list; global $titlebar; global $exts_list_title; $titlebar = $exts_list_title; if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_header); echo make_changes($template_exts_list); if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_footer); exit(); } function do_glob() { global $domain; global $whois_exts; global $avail; global $unavail; global $template_header; global $template_footer; global $use_global_templates; global $titlebar; global $global_title; $titlebar = $global_title; if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_header); if(!isset($domain)){ global $template_global; echo make_changes($template_global); } else{ global $template_global_results; for($l=0; $l if(($r = perform_whois($domain,$whois_exts[$l],0)) != -1){ if(!$r) $avail[] = $domain.".".$whois_exts[$l]; else $unavail[] = $domain.".".$whois_exts[$l]; } } echo make_changes($template_global_results); } if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_footer); exit(); } function do_wiz() { global $domain; global $ext; global $avail; global $unavail; global $template_header; global $template_footer; global $use_global_templates; global $titlebar; global $wizard_title; global $errormsg; global $keyword1; global $keyword2; global $company; $titlebar = $wizard_title; if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_header); if(!isset($company) || !isset($keyword1) || !isset($keyword2)){ global $template_wizard; echo make_changes($template_wizard); } else{ global $template_wizard_results; $domains = array( $company, $company.$keyword1, $company."-".$keyword1, $keyword1.$company, $keyword1."-".$company, $company.$keyword2, $company."-".$keyword2, $keyword2.$company, $keyword2."-".$company, $keyword1, $keyword2, $keyword1.$keyword2, $keyword2.$keyword1, $keyword1."-".$keyword2, $keyword2."-".$keyword1 ); for($l=0; $l $domain = strtolower(str_replace(" ","",$domains[$l])); if(check_domain()){ if(($r = perform_whois($domain,$ext,0)) != -1){ if(!$r) $avail[] = $domain.".".$ext; else $unavail[] = $domain.".".$ext; } } } echo make_changes($template_wizard_results); } if($use_global_templates) echo make_changes($template_footer); exit(); } load_server_info(); if(!check_domain()) do_error(); if(isset($do_wizard)) do_wiz(); if(isset($do_global)) do_glob(); if(isset($list_exts)) do_exts(); if(isset($do_mini_search)) do_getsearch_mini(); if(!isset($domain)) do_getsearch(); if(isset($show_raw)){ if(perform_whois($domain,$ext,1) != -1) $errormsg = "MWhois域名查询内部错误"; do_error(); } $ret = perform_whois($domain,$ext,0); if($ret == -1) do_error(); if(!$ret) do_taken(); else do_avail(); ?>