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发布时间:2016-01-13 作者:投稿hebedich 来源:转载



CREATE database studb;


create table teacher
tid int(10) primary key auto_increment,
tname varchar(20),
tage int(10)
use studb;
create table student
sid int(10) primary key auto_increment,
sname varchar(20),
sage int(10),
tid int(10) REFERENCES teacher(tid) 


--select teacher.tname from teacher,student where student.sname = '张三'
select t.tname from teacher t,student s where s.sname = '张三' and t.tid = s.tid


create table course
cid int(10) primary key,
cname varchar(20),
tid int(10) REFERENCES teacher(tid)


create table sc
scid int(10) primary key,
sid int(10) REFERENCES student(sid),
cid int(10) REFERENCES course(cid),
score int(10)



select c.cname from course c,student s,sc where s.sname = '小张' 
and s.sid = sc.sid and c.cid = sc.cid;


select sname from student s,course c,sc where c.cname='android' and sc.score>=60
and s.sid = sc.sid and c.cid = sc.cid;



delete from sc where sid = (select sid from student where sname = '小张'); 



update sc set score=score+5 where cid=????;

select tid from teacher where tname='李老师' ==1
select cname from course where tid = 1 ==课程名字,李老师教的
select cid from course where cname='android' ==课程ID
update sc set score=score+5 where cid=
select cid from course where cname=
select cname from course where tid =
select tid from teacher where tname='李老师'
